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IPPF Humanitarian - Mozambique Cyclone Idai 2019


We act with hope and determination. We take on the impossible. We are everyday people connected around the world, embarking on a billion acts of courage. Join us today.

Jobs & Opportunities

All external vacancies at IPPF Arab World Region are advertised here. IPPF seeks to employ committed, talented and motivated individuals. In return, IPPF offers work that is distinctive, engaging and diverse, and a working culture which is focused, respectful and collaborative.

IPPF provides a competitive benefits package which enables employees to achieve a healthy work/life balance. The organization also places a strong emphasis on learning and development.

Please note that IPPF is unable to keep speculative CVs on file.

Jobs & Opportunities

طلب عروض - اربع عربات إسعاف رباعية الدفع / Quotations for Four 4X4 Ambulances



طلب عروض - أربع عربات إسعاف رباعية الدفع / Quotations for Four 4X4 Ambulances


Available to Both Local and International Suppliers


Friday, 01/10/2025

The International Planned Parenthood Federation - IPPF is seeking a supplier to procure (04) equipped ambulances as per the specification in the attached document. These vehicles must be a fully equipped version of the hardtop Land Cruiser 4x4 [78] (or similar). 

The submitted proposal should include a detailed quotation outlining the costs of the vehicles and the required equipment, along with delivery to the specified locations: Sudan (North Sudan, Medani Gezira), Tunisia (Tunis capital or Mednine/Tataouine), and Mauritania (Nouakchott). The quotation should also account for a reasonable delivery timeline, with an option for expedited delivery at an additional cost. Pricing must encompass fees for a comprehensive one-year maintenance and warranty policy starting from the delivery date. The delivery period must not exceed three months from the date the vendor is officially notified of selection. All proposals and pricing should be provided in USD to facilitate a fair and consistent evaluation process.

Please submit your best offers to the address: [email protected]   no later than Friday 10 January 2025. 


متاح للموردين المحليين والدوليين

يبحث الاتحاد الدولي لتنظيم الأسرة IPPF عن مورد لشراء (04) سيارات إسعاف مجهزة وفقًا للمواصفات الواردة في الوثيقة المرفقة. يجب أن تكون السيارات رباعية الدفع مجهزة بالكامل. مثال: سيارة Land Cruiser 4x4 ذات السقف الصلب [78] (أو ما شابه ذلك).

يجب أن تتضمن العروض المقدمة عرض سعر مفصلاً يشمل تكلفة السيارات والمعدات المطلوبة، بالإضافة إلى التوصيل إلى المواقع المحددة: السودان (شمال السودان، مدني الجزيرة)، تونس (العاصمة تونس أو مدنين/تطاوين)، وموريتانيا (نواكشوط). كما يجب أن يشمل عرض السعر رسوم الصيانة وضمان شامل لمدة عام كامل اعتبارًا من تاريخ التسليم. يجب أن يتم التسليم في غضون فترة زمنية معقولة، مع إمكانية التوصيل السريع مقابل تكلفة إضافية. لا ينبغي أن تتجاوز فترة التسليم ثلاثة أشهر من تاريخ إخطار المورد بالاختيار. ينبغي تقديم جميع العروض والأسعار بالدولار الأمريكي لضمان تقييم عادل وموضوعي.

يرجى إرسال أفضل العروض إلى العنوان: [email protected]   في موعد أقصاه 10 جانفي/ يناير 2025


A Community-Based Mapping of Handicrafts and Small/Micro Business Opportunities in Sudan, Mauritania, and Tunisia


Assessing the Needs and Potential of Women and Youth Accessing Health Services Provided by IPPF AWRO Member Associations (MAs): A Community-Based Mapping of Handicrafts and Small/Micro Business Opportunities in Sudan, Mauritania, and Tunisia


Deadline: January 23, 2025


Project Brief:


The Economic and social empowerment for family health and well-being project run by the International Planned Parenthood Federation- Arab World Regional Office ( IPPF AWRO) in some  Arab countries (Sudan, Mauritania, and Tunisia) aims to improve comprehensive maternal and child health services and promote the economic empowerment of women and youth by supporting IPPF member associations and achieving three strategic objectives as outlined below:


  1. Strategic Objective 1: Develop an adequate system of health institutions and upgrade the qualifications of a network of community health workers to reduce maternal mortality and provide comprehensive family health services.


  1. Strategic Objective 2: Promote the economic and social empowerment of women and youth: The initiative aims to enhance the training of health care providers, organize workshops linking reproductive health and women and youth empowerment, and support income-generating activities and vocational training for youth in all Arab countries targeted by the project. 


  1. Strategic Objective 3: Produce and disseminate knowledge and facilitate mutual learning: This includes organizing visits to exchange experiences between associations, preparing a comprehensive report on the results of the project and identifying the general challenges and achievements in the field of health care in the targeted countries and their relation to the issue of development in general and economic empowerment in particular and accurately. This effort will be based on the preparation of a detailed mapping report to assess and identify the needs of women and youth, as well as their potential in the field of handicrafts and small/ micro business opportunities within their communities.


Through its member associations working in the four project countries, the Arab World Regional Office intends to create synergies and cooperation between different line ministries such as health, social affairs, vocational training, women and children.


This integrated project will provide an additional opportunity to emphasize IPPF's commitment to working towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and in particular the following:


  • SDG [1]: Eradicate poverty
  • SDG III [3]: Good health and well-being
  • SDG Five [5]: Gender Equality
  • SDG Eight [8]: Decent work and economic growth
  • SDG Eleven [11]: Sustainable Cities and Communities 
  • SDG XVII [17]: Businesses to achieve the Goals



 4 months


Target Countries:

 Tunisia, Mauritania, and Sudan


Commissioning Body:

 IPPF Arab World Regional Office (AWRO)



The selected consultant will be hosted at the IPPF Arab World Regional Office (AWRO) in Tunis, Tunisia.



Women and youth in Sudan, Mauritania, and Tunisia face significant challenges in accessing sustainable livelihoods and economic opportunities, even as they benefit from health services provided by IPPF AWRO Member Associations (MAs). Despite these challenges, they possess untapped potential, particularly in handicrafts and small/micro business ventures—fields deeply embedded in the cultural and economic fabric of these communities. These sectors offer viable pathways for economic empowerment, community development, and improved well-being.

This community-based mapping aims to assess the specific needs of women and youth who access health services through IPPF AWRO MAs, identifying their potential to contribute meaningfully to the handicrafts sector and small businesses. By understanding their aspirations, skills, and the obstacles they face, the mapping will provide actionable insights to design targeted programs and initiatives. These programs aim to enhance socioeconomic inclusion and resilience while leveraging the integration of health and economic empowerment for sustainable community development. The findings will serve as a foundation for policy recommendations and tailored interventions to support sustainable development goals.


Objectives Of the Mapping


The primary objectives of the mapping are to:


  • Assess Needs: Identify the specific challenges and needs of women and youth who benefit from IPPF AWRO health services in accessing resources, training, and support for handicrafts and small/micro business development.


  • Evaluate Potential: Examine the existing skills, talents, and aspirations of these individuals, focusing on their ability to engage in simple technical support (handicrafts), supply and produce income-generating activities.


  • Identify Opportunities: Map current opportunities, including market demands, resources, and support systems, that can enhance economic participation in handicrafts and small/micro businesses.


  • Highlight Barriers: Understand the socio-economic, cultural, and institutional barriers preventing women and youth from achieving their full potential in these selected sectors, with a particular focus on the intersection of health and economic empowerment.


  • Inform Interventions: Provide actionable insights and recommendations for stakeholders to design targeted programs that integrate health and economic empowerment, foster skill-building, and promote sustainable livelihoods for women and youth.


Scope of Work


The consultant will:


  • Design the Mapping Framework: Develop an overarching methodology, including research questions, data collection tools, and an analysis plan.


  • Coordinate Fieldwork: Oversee and guide three surveyors, hosted in each Member Association, in data collection across the three countries. Offer needed training to the identified focal points in the MAs.


  • Data Collection:
  1. Desk research on existing literature, policies, and programs.
  2. Key informant interviews with stakeholders, including government bodies, NGOs, and beneficiaries.
  3. Consultative sessions and focus groups organized by Member Associations (MAs) that involve women, youth and stakeholders.


  • Data Analysis and Reporting:
  1. Synthesize findings to identify patterns, gaps, and opportunities.
  2. Tailor recommendations specific to the socioeconomic and economic empowerment needs of youth and women.


  • Stakeholder Engagement: Collaborate with MAs and surveyors to ensure a participatory approach.




  1. Inception Report (within 2 weeks of consultancy initiation):
  1. Detailed methodology and work plan.
  2. Draft data collection tools.


  1. Mid-term Progress Report (at the end of month 2-3):
  1. Preliminary findings and updates.


  1. Final Mapping Report (end of month 4):
  1. Comprehensive mapping with findings, analysis, and tailored recommendations.


  1. Presentation to Stakeholders:
  1. Key outcomes and actionable recommendations.


Required Qualifications


  • Advanced degree in Social Sciences, business management, or a related field.
  • Proven experience in research and mapping, particularly in socioeconomic and business / trade and/ or microcredit sectors.
  • Strong understanding of gender and youth empowerment in the Arab World Region (AWR).
  • Excellent communication skills in Arabic, French, and English.




  • Consultancy Start Date: January / February 2025 depending on project activities implementation progress.
  • Consultancy End Date: May/ June 2025, 4 months from start, including all amendment requests leading to an approved and finalized mapping report.


Kindly note that hiring and finalization of contract is contingent upon donor approval.


Coordination and Reporting


The consultant will report to the MA Support and Development Director at IPPF-AWRO and coordinate closely with designated focal point (s) in each country.


Application Process


 Interested candidates should submit the materials below by email to: [email protected].


  • CV
  • Technical proposal outlining their approach
  • Financial proposal


Deadline for Application:


Please submit your best offers no later than January 23, 2025

طلب عروض - اربع عربات إسعاف رباعية الدفع / Quotations for Four 4X4 Ambulances



طلب عروض - أربع عربات إسعاف رباعية الدفع / Quotations for Four 4X4 Ambulances


Available to Both Local and International Suppliers


Friday, 01/10/2025

The International Planned Parenthood Federation - IPPF is seeking a supplier to procure (04) equipped ambulances as per the specification in the attached document. These vehicles must be a fully equipped version of the hardtop Land Cruiser 4x4 [78] (or similar). 

The submitted proposal should include a detailed quotation outlining the costs of the vehicles and the required equipment, along with delivery to the specified locations: Sudan (North Sudan, Medani Gezira), Tunisia (Tunis capital or Mednine/Tataouine), and Mauritania (Nouakchott). The quotation should also account for a reasonable delivery timeline, with an option for expedited delivery at an additional cost. Pricing must encompass fees for a comprehensive one-year maintenance and warranty policy starting from the delivery date. The delivery period must not exceed three months from the date the vendor is officially notified of selection. All proposals and pricing should be provided in USD to facilitate a fair and consistent evaluation process.

Please submit your best offers to the address: [email protected]   no later than Friday 10 January 2025. 


متاح للموردين المحليين والدوليين

يبحث الاتحاد الدولي لتنظيم الأسرة IPPF عن مورد لشراء (04) سيارات إسعاف مجهزة وفقًا للمواصفات الواردة في الوثيقة المرفقة. يجب أن تكون السيارات رباعية الدفع مجهزة بالكامل. مثال: سيارة Land Cruiser 4x4 ذات السقف الصلب [78] (أو ما شابه ذلك).

يجب أن تتضمن العروض المقدمة عرض سعر مفصلاً يشمل تكلفة السيارات والمعدات المطلوبة، بالإضافة إلى التوصيل إلى المواقع المحددة: السودان (شمال السودان، مدني الجزيرة)، تونس (العاصمة تونس أو مدنين/تطاوين)، وموريتانيا (نواكشوط). كما يجب أن يشمل عرض السعر رسوم الصيانة وضمان شامل لمدة عام كامل اعتبارًا من تاريخ التسليم. يجب أن يتم التسليم في غضون فترة زمنية معقولة، مع إمكانية التوصيل السريع مقابل تكلفة إضافية. لا ينبغي أن تتجاوز فترة التسليم ثلاثة أشهر من تاريخ إخطار المورد بالاختيار. ينبغي تقديم جميع العروض والأسعار بالدولار الأمريكي لضمان تقييم عادل وموضوعي.

يرجى إرسال أفضل العروض إلى العنوان: [email protected]   في موعد أقصاه 10 جانفي/ يناير 2025


A Community-Based Mapping of Handicrafts and Small/Micro Business Opportunities in Sudan, Mauritania, and Tunisia


Assessing the Needs and Potential of Women and Youth Accessing Health Services Provided by IPPF AWRO Member Associations (MAs): A Community-Based Mapping of Handicrafts and Small/Micro Business Opportunities in Sudan, Mauritania, and Tunisia


Deadline: January 23, 2025


Project Brief:


The Economic and social empowerment for family health and well-being project run by the International Planned Parenthood Federation- Arab World Regional Office ( IPPF AWRO) in some  Arab countries (Sudan, Mauritania, and Tunisia) aims to improve comprehensive maternal and child health services and promote the economic empowerment of women and youth by supporting IPPF member associations and achieving three strategic objectives as outlined below:


  1. Strategic Objective 1: Develop an adequate system of health institutions and upgrade the qualifications of a network of community health workers to reduce maternal mortality and provide comprehensive family health services.


  1. Strategic Objective 2: Promote the economic and social empowerment of women and youth: The initiative aims to enhance the training of health care providers, organize workshops linking reproductive health and women and youth empowerment, and support income-generating activities and vocational training for youth in all Arab countries targeted by the project. 


  1. Strategic Objective 3: Produce and disseminate knowledge and facilitate mutual learning: This includes organizing visits to exchange experiences between associations, preparing a comprehensive report on the results of the project and identifying the general challenges and achievements in the field of health care in the targeted countries and their relation to the issue of development in general and economic empowerment in particular and accurately. This effort will be based on the preparation of a detailed mapping report to assess and identify the needs of women and youth, as well as their potential in the field of handicrafts and small/ micro business opportunities within their communities.


Through its member associations working in the four project countries, the Arab World Regional Office intends to create synergies and cooperation between different line ministries such as health, social affairs, vocational training, women and children.


This integrated project will provide an additional opportunity to emphasize IPPF's commitment to working towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and in particular the following:


  • SDG [1]: Eradicate poverty
  • SDG III [3]: Good health and well-being
  • SDG Five [5]: Gender Equality
  • SDG Eight [8]: Decent work and economic growth
  • SDG Eleven [11]: Sustainable Cities and Communities 
  • SDG XVII [17]: Businesses to achieve the Goals



 4 months


Target Countries:

 Tunisia, Mauritania, and Sudan


Commissioning Body:

 IPPF Arab World Regional Office (AWRO)



The selected consultant will be hosted at the IPPF Arab World Regional Office (AWRO) in Tunis, Tunisia.



Women and youth in Sudan, Mauritania, and Tunisia face significant challenges in accessing sustainable livelihoods and economic opportunities, even as they benefit from health services provided by IPPF AWRO Member Associations (MAs). Despite these challenges, they possess untapped potential, particularly in handicrafts and small/micro business ventures—fields deeply embedded in the cultural and economic fabric of these communities. These sectors offer viable pathways for economic empowerment, community development, and improved well-being.

This community-based mapping aims to assess the specific needs of women and youth who access health services through IPPF AWRO MAs, identifying their potential to contribute meaningfully to the handicrafts sector and small businesses. By understanding their aspirations, skills, and the obstacles they face, the mapping will provide actionable insights to design targeted programs and initiatives. These programs aim to enhance socioeconomic inclusion and resilience while leveraging the integration of health and economic empowerment for sustainable community development. The findings will serve as a foundation for policy recommendations and tailored interventions to support sustainable development goals.


Objectives Of the Mapping


The primary objectives of the mapping are to:


  • Assess Needs: Identify the specific challenges and needs of women and youth who benefit from IPPF AWRO health services in accessing resources, training, and support for handicrafts and small/micro business development.


  • Evaluate Potential: Examine the existing skills, talents, and aspirations of these individuals, focusing on their ability to engage in simple technical support (handicrafts), supply and produce income-generating activities.


  • Identify Opportunities: Map current opportunities, including market demands, resources, and support systems, that can enhance economic participation in handicrafts and small/micro businesses.


  • Highlight Barriers: Understand the socio-economic, cultural, and institutional barriers preventing women and youth from achieving their full potential in these selected sectors, with a particular focus on the intersection of health and economic empowerment.


  • Inform Interventions: Provide actionable insights and recommendations for stakeholders to design targeted programs that integrate health and economic empowerment, foster skill-building, and promote sustainable livelihoods for women and youth.


Scope of Work


The consultant will:


  • Design the Mapping Framework: Develop an overarching methodology, including research questions, data collection tools, and an analysis plan.


  • Coordinate Fieldwork: Oversee and guide three surveyors, hosted in each Member Association, in data collection across the three countries. Offer needed training to the identified focal points in the MAs.


  • Data Collection:
  1. Desk research on existing literature, policies, and programs.
  2. Key informant interviews with stakeholders, including government bodies, NGOs, and beneficiaries.
  3. Consultative sessions and focus groups organized by Member Associations (MAs) that involve women, youth and stakeholders.


  • Data Analysis and Reporting:
  1. Synthesize findings to identify patterns, gaps, and opportunities.
  2. Tailor recommendations specific to the socioeconomic and economic empowerment needs of youth and women.


  • Stakeholder Engagement: Collaborate with MAs and surveyors to ensure a participatory approach.




  1. Inception Report (within 2 weeks of consultancy initiation):
  1. Detailed methodology and work plan.
  2. Draft data collection tools.


  1. Mid-term Progress Report (at the end of month 2-3):
  1. Preliminary findings and updates.


  1. Final Mapping Report (end of month 4):
  1. Comprehensive mapping with findings, analysis, and tailored recommendations.


  1. Presentation to Stakeholders:
  1. Key outcomes and actionable recommendations.


Required Qualifications


  • Advanced degree in Social Sciences, business management, or a related field.
  • Proven experience in research and mapping, particularly in socioeconomic and business / trade and/ or microcredit sectors.
  • Strong understanding of gender and youth empowerment in the Arab World Region (AWR).
  • Excellent communication skills in Arabic, French, and English.




  • Consultancy Start Date: January / February 2025 depending on project activities implementation progress.
  • Consultancy End Date: May/ June 2025, 4 months from start, including all amendment requests leading to an approved and finalized mapping report.


Kindly note that hiring and finalization of contract is contingent upon donor approval.


Coordination and Reporting


The consultant will report to the MA Support and Development Director at IPPF-AWRO and coordinate closely with designated focal point (s) in each country.


Application Process


 Interested candidates should submit the materials below by email to: [email protected].


  • CV
  • Technical proposal outlining their approach
  • Financial proposal


Deadline for Application:


Please submit your best offers no later than January 23, 2025