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One-quarter of people affected by crises are women and girls aged 15-49.
IPPF is a locally owned, globally connected civil society movement.
We work to ensure people are free to make choices about their sexuality and wellbeing, in a world without discrimination.
Building on a proud history of over 65 years of achievement, we commit to lead a locally owned, globally connected civil society movement that provides and enables services and champions sexual and reproductive health and rights for all, especially the under-served.
In 2020, IPPF delivered 218.5 million sexual and reproductive health services and contributed to 136 policy and legal changes in support of sexual and reproductive health and rights.
IPPF -Arab World Region works in 14 countries in the Arab Region, to provide help, advice, services, and supplies relating to any aspect of sexual and reproductive health. These services are delivered through an IPPF-AWR Member Association (MA)
The IPPF- Arab World Region works with 14 Member Associations and 3 collaborative partners in Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Lebanon, Mauritania, Morocco, Palestine, Somaliland, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Yemen, Jordan and Pakistan.
MAs are IPPF/Arab World Region accredited organizations within the country.
Help us deliver sexual and reproductive healthcare to those most in need.