The Moroccan Family Planning Association (AMPF) is a non-governmental organization, created in 1971 and recognized as being of public utility in 1972. AMPF is under the Honorary Presidency of Her Royal Highness Lalla Meryem and the effective Presidency of Mrs. Zahara Meziane Ammor.
The Moroccan Family Planning Association (AMPF) is a member of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) since 1971. Thus, it is part of a civil society movement, present internationally and managed locally and nationally, that provides and facilitates access to sexual and reproductive health services and advocates for the rights of all individuals without discrimination or stigmatization: women, youth, and men, especially the underserved and marginalized groups.
AMPF's mission is to promote Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR), provide comprehensive and quality sexual and reproductive health services, and facilitate access to SRH services for the population, especially the underserved and vulnerable.
This mission is part of a global vision of a Morocco where all individuals enjoy their SRH rights and exercise free, informed choice without stigma or discrimination.
Our values are:
- Accountability
- Social Inclusion
- Volunteerism
- Diversity
- Commitment
AMPF has 8 branch committees, about more than 110 active volunteers, several branch youth committees with 1000 youth in total, 27 Service Delivery Centers and an offer of 398,000 various services performed for the benefit of the population in 2019.
The main services we offer are gyneacological consultations, ultrasound, screening tests, and biological tests and family planning counselling. Other types of consultations are also available to meet the needs of our beneficiaries.
Arab World

6, Street Ibn El Kadi, les orangers, Rabat